Sympathetic irony

Posted by Mickey Platko on May 10, 2013 in Original |

Irony means saying the opposite of what is meant, or doing the opposite of what is intended. As I write, thunder rolls across the sky like a symphony of kettle drums, the sky is dark as twilight, and rain falls in gigantic slow-motion droplets. If this were a romance novel, the stage would pull up […]



Posted by Mickey Platko on May 7, 2013 in Original |

Loved Jurassic Park. To all dino lovers, this is like the ultimate fantasy – growing a dinosaur. Sadly, it didn’t turn out so well for those who did, but for a while, we were living the dream. I remember Easters as I was a kid. We went to my uncle and aunt’s house, ate a […]


The process of writing

Posted by Mickey Platko on May 3, 2013 @ 6:24 pm
in Original, Writing |

I sat to write my first post on my first blog on my first website, and all I could think of was, “technical writing.” Surely, more interesting topics are available, but for me, I think of the years I’ve spent writing, editing, and analyzing technical content.

Every tech writer has a book in them, and mine is a murder mystery, more than one. I wrote one a few years ago, but lost in the morass of outlining, plotting, and structure, it ground to a dead halt. Last year, I picked up my virtual pen and took my courage in my hands and began the journey anew.

I have a brave critique group, a supportive husband and friends, and no free time to write.

I am involved in cat rescue, have a lot of cats, work a full time job, and please, have no time. But I have the fire in the belly, and so words are getting put on paper. How do they happen? How does it happen that I have these stories in me? I can’t answer you.

But I know you have a story in you too. I encourage you to start. Write down your thoughts, your ideas, and before long, you’ll have a book in your head as well.

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